Asking Questions: Shifting from Information to Big, Life Questions Presenters: Dr. Roberta Louis Goodman, RJE and Stacy Kirchheimer
What are the questions students and teachers can ask that lead to exploration, interpretation and meaning? Why should we be focusing on big, life questions in our classrooms? Roberta will share theories from faith development, constructivism and more which address why this approach. Stacy will share her approach to using this methodology of students generating and answering big, life questions in the study of Torah in Camp@NSCI, our Jewish studies program for 3rd and 4th graders. This session is designed for teachers working with grades K – 8. It will run from 9:35 am to 10:30 am.
Dr. Roberta Louis Goodman, RJE, is in her 7th year as Education Director at NSCI. Her academic work includes a Masters in Jewish Education from Hebrew Union College (HUC-JIR) and a Doctorate in Adult Education from Teachers College/Columbia University. Roberta has worked in Jewish education for over 35 years in a wide variety of roles and organizations including as a consultant. Her publications include curricular materials for students and teachers, research, and articles in the areas of faith development and spirituality, evaluation, adult education, Jewish educational personnel, grant writing, and early childhood education. She co-edited the National Jewish Book Award recipient, What We NOW Know about Jewish Education (Torah Aura). She is a past president of ARJE (Association of Reform Jewish Educators). Roberta is a product of the congregation where she now works and OSRUI. She is an avid tennis player who served on faculty the past two summers at the URJ Six Points Sports Academy in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Stacy Kirchheimer- 4th grade Hebrew teacher, Camp@NSCI Unit Head, NSCI Shabbat challah baker, & Chug curriculum co-ordinator is in her 4th year teaching at NSCI. She earned her BA in History and Education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She studied abroad at Tel Aviv University, and attended OSRUI for summer camp. Stacy has over 17 years of teaching experience combined with a very strong Jewish education. Stacy has completed the Hebrew Through Movement online seminar, and teaches HTM in her classrooms. She is also proficient in the skill of using big questions when teaching Judaic studies and prayer. She lives in Highland Park with her husband, Mike and 3 kids, Harrison, Hanna, and Hope.