Techniques for Optimizing Learning in Hebrew Classroom Presenter: Dr.Alicia Gejman
This class will focus on best practices in managing the Hebrew classroom. Creating engaging pathways for learning, building an attractive learning environment, setting down clear goals and evaluating outcomes are critical elements regardless if you teach Hebrew literacy, tefilah or Hebrew conversation. This workshop is designed for Hebrew school teachers.
Alicia Gejman is a native of Argentina and lived in Israel for many years. While in Israel, she obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Education Counseling from Bar Ilan University and then a Master of Arts in Educational Psychology from The Hebrew University. Alicia then held a number of professional education positions in the United States. She served as the Principal at West Suburban Temple Har Zion in River Forest for thirteen years and was the Director of Makor Or, Special Needs Center of the Board of Jewish Education of Metropolitan Chicago for five years. She is also currently a doctoral candidate at Spertus College. As well as serving as the Director of Formal Education, Alicia is the Director of both the Jack and Mildred Cohen Religious School and the Miriam and Bernard H. Sokol Hebrew High School.